Welsh Mountain Zoo | Rhoddion a Chymorth

Rhoddion a Chymorth

Pan fyddwch yn ysgrifennu eich Ewyllys, rydym yn deall fod yr unigolion yr ydych yn dewis eu cynnwys ynddi yn rhywbeth personol.

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Leaving the Welsh Mountain Zoo in your will

Rhaid ichi roi blaenoriaeth i'r rhai sy'n agos atoch bob amser, ac eto mae'n bosibl darparu ar gyfer eich anwyliaid yn gyntaf, ac yna gadael rhodd i Gymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau ein bod yn gallu parhau â'r gwaith hanfodol a wnawn i sicrhau gwell dyfodol i'r anifeiliaid yn ein gofal ac i gadwraeth anifeiliaid yn y gwyllt am genedlaethau i ddod.

Rhoddion mewn Ewyllys

Gan ei bod yn elusen gofrestredig, mae Cymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru yn dibynnu'n gyfan gwbl ar roddion er mwyn cefnogi prosiectau cadwraeth hanfodol ledled y byd. Gall eich rhodd chi wneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i’n helpu i gefnogi rhywogaethau mewn perygl sydd, mewn rhai achosion, yn wynebu difodiant yn y gwyllt. Bydd rhodd o unrhyw faint yn ein helpu i fwrw ymlaen â’n gwaith elusennol.

Mae rhodd mewn ewyllys neu gymynrodd yn un o’r anrhegion gorau allwch chi ei rhoi inni, gan fod hyn yn adnodd sicr ar gyfer ein dyfodol. Gall fod ar ffurf arian neu eiddo. Gall cymynrodd o’r fath gyfrannu’n gyffredinol at arian y Gymdeithas, gan ganiatáu i’r Ymddiriedolwyr benderfynu ar y ffordd orau o’i ddosrannu i hyrwyddo ein hamcanion elusennol. Fel arall, efallai y byddai’n well gennych enwi rhywogaeth, neu faes gweithgaredd penodol ee. addysg, yr hoffech eu cefnogi.

Yn wir, mae gadael rhodd mewn ewyllys i Gymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru yn syml iawn. Bydd eich cyfreithiwr yn gallu eich helpu i ddiwygio ewyllys sy'n bodoli eisoes fel ei bod yn cynnwys Cymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru fel buddiolwr.

Yr unig beth fydd ei angen ar eich cyfreithiwr fydd ein henw a’n cyfeiriad a rhif ein helusen gofrestredig:

Cymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru

Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig 514108

Cymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru

Yr Hen Briffordd

Bae Colwyn

Gogledd Cymru

LL28 5UY

Mae tair prif ffordd o wneud rhodd (neu 'gymynrodd ') yn eich ewyllys:

Enghraifft o Gymynrodd:

Bydd cenedlaethau o Tsimpansïaid y Sŵ Fynydd Gymreig yn elwa o’r ffaith fod elusen y Sŵ wedi derbyn cymynroddion hael gan ddau unigolyn yn 1990, gan eu bod wedi cofio am yr anifeiliaid yn eu hewyllys.

Gwnaeth y rhoddion hyn hi’n bosibl i ddarparu system wresogi o dan y llawr ac offer chwarae ym Myd y Tsimpansî. Gallwch ddewis gadael swm penodol (sy'n cael ei adnabod fel cymynrodd ariannol) neu ganran o weddillion eich ystâd (cymynrodd weddilliol) i'r eluse.

Os gwelwch yn dda, a wnewch chi addo eich rhodd heddiw ar gyfer rhywogaethau sydd mewn perygl a fydd angen eich cymorth yn y dyfodol.

Os hoffech drafod unrhyw agwedd ar y broses o wneud cymynrodd cysylltwch â ni drwy ffonio: 01492 532 938 estyniad 3.

Ysgrifennwch at:

Nick Jackson – Prif Swyddog Gweithredol,

Cymdeithas Sŵolegol Genedlaethol Cymru

Yr Hen Briffordd

Bae Colwyn

Gogledd Cymru

LL28 5UY

E-bost: legacies@welshmountainzoo.org

Bydd hyn yn ein cynorthwyo wrth gynllunio ar gyfer y tymor hir. Ni fydd cysylltu â ni yn eich rhwymo mewn unrhyw ffordd; dim ond datganiad o'ch dymuniadau cyfredol ydyw a bydd yn cael ei drin yn gwbl gyfrinachol.

As a registered charity, The National Zoological Society of Wales relies completely on donations in order to support vital conservation projects worldwide. Your gift can really make a difference to help us support endangered species which in some cases are facing extinction in the wild. Any size of gift will help us to continue our charitable work.

A legacy is one of the best gifts you can give us, as it provides a secure resource for our future. It can take the form of money or property. Such a legacy can be directed generally to the Society’s finances, allowing the Trustees to decide how best to allocate it to further our charitable objectives. Alternatively, you may prefer to specify a species, or area of activity eg. education, that you would like to benefit.

Leaving a legacy to the National Zoological Society of Wales is actually very simple. Your solicitor will be able to help you amend an existing will to include The National Zoological Society of Wales as a beneficiary.

Your solicitor will simply need our name, address and our registered charity number:

National Zoological Society of Wales

Registered Charity No. 514108

National Zoological Society of Wales

Old Highway

Colwyn Bay

North Wales

LL28 5UY

A specific amount of money that you would like to leave to the National Zoological Society of Wales. Remember that inflation will reduce the value of these gifts over the years, so it is wise to revise them from time to time.

A specific item, including land / property, that you would like to leave to us. You will have to describe this item very precisely in your will.

The remainder of your estate after you have specified all your pecuniary and specific bequests. If you do not specify what you would like to happen to this, the law will make the decision on your behalf.

If you would like to see your gift go to a zoo project specifically you can stipulate this by asking your solicitor to word it as a "Purpose gift to the National Zoological Society of Wales". As things can change, we would recommend that you do not name a particular species. We would suggest that you contact us to assist you with how you word such a gift. Please remember, that you do not pay any inheritance tax on any gifts to a charity.

A valid up-to-date will is the only way to ensure your wishes are carried out in the future so it is worth taking the time to sort this out. You can then be sure that your loved ones are provided for and that you can support any charities that you really care about.

Legacy Example:

Generations of Chimpanzees at the Welsh Mountain Zoo will benefit from the fact that in 1990 the zoo charity received two generous legacies from two individuals who remembered the animals in their wills.

These donations made possible the provision of underfloor heating and play equipment in Chimpanzee World. You can choose to leave a fixed amount (which is known as a pecuniary legacy) or a percentage of the residue of your estate (a residual legacy) to the charity.

Please pledge your gift today for the endangered species that need your help in the future.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of leaving a legacy please contact us by;

Telephone: 01492 532 938 ext 3.

Write to us:

Nick Jackson - CEO,

National Zoological Society of Wales,

Old Highway

Colwyn Bay

North Wales

LL28 5UY

Email: legacies@welshmountainzoo.org

This will assist us with our long-term planning. Contacting us does not commit you to anything; it is simply a statement of your present wishes and will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Gwefan gan FutureStudios