Sight Saving Operation
- 29th May 2020
- Kaitlyn Jenkins
Whilst the Zoo remains in lockdown with its gates closed to the public, life for the animals continues as normal with a major operation recently taking place.
Vets from the International Zoo Veterinary Group (IZVG), a European Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology - based at University of Bristol Veterinary School, and our local vet, Mochdre Vets, all visited the Zoo. Under safe working practices, they operated to remove a cataract from the eye of Roonie, the California Sea Lion.
Kim Wood, Director of Living Collections of the Welsh Mountain Zoo commented: “Life for our animals remains the same here at the Zoo despite the challenging times we find ourselves in, and of course, they still require the same levels of support and care as they would any other time. Our dedicated Keepers remain committed to delivering the highest standards of animal welfare, and acted straight away to ensure that Roonie received the professional veterinary care and attention needed.”
During the operation the California sea lion was sedated whilst the specialist veterinary team collaborated to carry out their work. The operation was successful, with Roonie recovering well and within hours she was back to her usual self.
Kim continued: “Here at the Zoo, even though we are closed, our running costs including all essential and emergency veterinary care remain the same. Roonie’s operation was an unexpected costly expense, however, the operation was arranged without hesitation, as our animal’s welfare remains our priority. With a continued loss of revenue of £500,000 between April and May, lockdown is having a significant effect on our charity. We have been overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received in response to our fundraising campaign and without the donations received, we may not have been able to carry out such vital works. We’d like to express our sincere thanks those that have supported us to date, and ask that people continue to do so in the coming weeks as we endeavour to make our way through this very difficult period.”